
NHS Confed Expo - Find out how T Levels can help develop your workforce

Health and Science

The ICS Industry Placement Network will be presenting at the NHS Confed Expo June 12-13th in Manchester – one of the biggest and most significant health and care conferences in the UK.

Based at stand D28 throughout the conference, you can also join the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, NHS trusts and education providers at their breakfast seminar on 13th June to find out more about how T Levels can help address your workforce challenges.

The Health T Level is the new level 3 qualification for students who want a career in health and care. An alternative to A Levels, the two-year T Level combines classroom study with a 45-day industry placement. This is more than work experience or job shadowing; T Level students gain the knowledge and skills to deliver the care patients need. By hosting industry placements you will be introducing future employees to the range of health and care careers on offer in your organisation and contributing to the development of a skilled workforce.

Find out more and register here